Ayurveda refers to epilepsy as "apasmara." It is a nervous system disorder characterized by fits or seizures that can be violent or brief.
Affected individuals can feel jerky movements of the body parts and a loss of consciousness.
The cause of a seizure is unknown, but it is believed to be caused by an imbalance of the three doshas Vata, Pitta, and Kapha.
Ayurvedic Treatment of Epilepsy involves a comprehensive, holistic approach to treating epilepsy.
While apasmara does not cause death, it can be a symptom of other medical problems. Some of these include epilepsy and a host of neurological conditions. In addition, apasmara is often associated with the loss of memory or mental faculties.
The condition is sometimes called a paroxysm of vyadhi and can be accompanied by various symptoms, including dyspnea and unconsciousness.
Ashwagandharishta is used for managing epilepsy seizures. Ashwagandharishta is also useful in overcoming fatigue and managing stress.
Ashwagandharishta is beneficial for the condition because it balances the three doshas, Vata, Pitta, and Kapha and its rejuvenating effects.
Somatic and psychic disturbances can also cause Apasmara. These affect the relationship between the physical and psychological entities, and the two are interconnected for good health.
This inter-communication is vital for the functioning of the mind and body. The psychological faculties will be affected when this is disturbed, and so will the heart.
Ayurveda considers the mind and body to be in a symbiotic relationship. Hence, a good diet nourishes the mind and enriches the senses and motor organs. The theory of Panchakosha in Ayurveda teaches that food feeds the sheath of the mind.
Ayurveda believes that stress and poor diet are the main causes of epilepsy. Therefore, it is important to maintain a healthy diet that consists of rice, milk, cereals, and vitamin B6. A healthy diet with ayurvedic Medicines will help prevent epilepsy and improve overall health.
Neeraj Clinic offers Ayurvedic treatment for Epilepsy that balances the doshas, which govern the body's movements and the nervous system's actions.
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